* DCP - Research

Research Campaigns

Research Campaigns are collaborations between DCP and research organisations such as Adelaide and Flinders university.

These allow researchers to set up trials of preventive care interventions that promote and enhance uptake of preventive care activities.

Specific focused activities might include immunisations or investigations that are part of recommended guidelines.

DCP will display a prompt to GP's who have enrolled in the campaign.

The campaigns can include specific messaging and questionaire functionlity for GP's.

Additionally the campaigns may send preconsultation SMS messages to patients who are eligible via the campaign filter criteria.

The SMS messages will contain a short note recommending the patient discuss the recommended activity withy their GP at consultation.

Campaigns will generally run for 12 months and aim to collect information about enrolled GP's activities.

Enroled GP's will be placed in to an intervention or control group for the purpose of validating results.


DCP has been involved in research projects since 2012. See our published research.

DCP is currently being used in 4 active reasearch projects and several more are in development.

DCP can be used to assist researchers :-

  1. Targeting specific patient populations.
  2. Patient recruitment.
  3. Patient interaction via SMS and information sheets.
  4. Patient information gathering.
  5. GP education and engagement.
  6. Feedback and questionnaires.
  7. Monitoring and Audits.
  8. Intervention analysis.

DCP Campaigns


Gain Access to general practice

  • Ready Market of practices
  • Advertise campaigns in DCP
  • Support in getting started
  • Monitoring and audits
Learn more »


Your own Interventions using DCP

  • Create your own interventions
  • Add Prompts to DCP
  • Easy Setup and monitoring
  • Improve outcomes
Learn more »

Child Pages


Promoting measles testing and immunisation for adults.

Research Campaign Dashboard Software

Coming Soon you will be able to download the researcher dashboard which enables campaigns targeting general practice.

HeLP Client

Install this software *ONLY when instructed by researcher.