* DCP - Doctors Control Panel
Doctors Control Panel
DCP is your Personal Assistant

Analyses required preventive care activities.

80+ preventive care and billing recommendations.

Generate reports and CDM paperwork.

For GP's

Delivering Efficient and Effective Preventive Care.

Real time analysis of evidence based guidelines.

Billing insights to drive improvement efforts not just farming MBS Items.

For Practice Nurses

Nursing tasks optimised for practice roles.

Complete paperwork and patient assessments faster and easier.

Workbooks for waiting patients and pending appointments to guide activities.

For Principals

Use Performant charts to visualise practice status. Compare national statistics on clinical and billing performance.

Guide your team by learning DCP and leading improvement efforts.

DCP has been on market and leading the way for over 10 year.

For PM's

Use Business Intelligence dashboard in DCP to chart practice and doctor billings.

Provide your team with tools to improve by promoting preventive care with billing incentivisation that is core to DCP.

Rest assured in the knowledge that DCP has been leading for over 10 years.

Get started immediately - install DCP. No sales people or quotes. One month trial included.

Note: For Database connectivity with BP Premier - Third Party Integration must be enabled in BP settings by your practice manager or IT team.

Installation Page - Get Started Now! History and About DCP

DCP provides many features for streamlining preventive care. Become familiar with ways to improve workflow by learning about these features.

Learning Resources Basics

Training media and contact details to arrange training on-site or via remote session.

Subscription Information Support Options

Research Projects past and present.

Research Introduction Current Research Projects
Data Privacy

DCP does not sell or send your data to third parties.

DCP collects data on performance and allows you to chart the data but no third party has access to your data.

We store settings and other deidentified data in Australian Azure data centre under strictest guideline recommendations of privacy.