* DCP - NCP Press Release

Nursing Control Panel - the perfect partner for DCP

Doctors Control Panel, the preventive care software general practice guide for doctors has been joined by another software innovation designed from the ground up for use by practice nurses.

The Nursing Control Panel provides identical color coded prompts to the doctor's version. But not just on a single patient. It provides guidance for the whole waiting room and for all pending appointments on the day.


The NCP allows the nurses to scan through recommended preventive care and maintenance activities for the days patients. It allows focusing on patients most in need of updating immunisations, measurements, assessments and pathology as well as flagging those patients that can be billed for 10997 or require updating chronic disease management plans.

Once the pending patients have been scanned and assessed within the NCP patients are flagged if deemed suitable for interventions. At this stage the decision is made to watch for the patient to arrive or to contact patient and request attending 15 minutes early.

Flagged patients within the NCP will be notified to the nurse on their workstation within seconds of arrival in the waiting room.

The nurse enters recordings in to clinical software to bring the patient into green status for recommended items.

The patient is returned to the waiting room or sent to their appointment with the GP.

On the GP's desktop the compainion application - the doctors control panel provides the same preventive care recommendations for the GP. Actions completed on the day by the nurse will be highlighted.

Activities such as taking blood pressure, weight, height and performing immunisations will thus be done and uptodate with the GP being able to focus on hight order activities and patient care. Patients with Team Care arrangements will be able to billed 10997. Also with preventive care activities being updated the GP will have more time to focus on patients.

Another feature of the new Nursing software is the ability to filter patients to just those matching configurable criteria. For example all patients recommended prevenar, all patients without allergy documentation, patients with overdue Health Assessments. It provides the ability to filter based on a mix clinical and billing criteria providing great flexibility in determining the scope of work to be undertaken.